AmmA Mega Products

Amma Mega, Roasted Rice Flour, Batticaloa, Brand Batticaloa
Roasted Red Rice Pittu Flour
Amma Mega, Roasted Rice Flour, Batticaloa, Brand Batticaloa
Roasted White Rice Pittu Flour
Amma Mega, Roasted Rice Flour, Batticaloa, Brand Batticaloa
Roasted Red Rice Flour
Amma Mega, Roasted Rice Flour, Batticaloa, Brand Batticaloa
Roasted White Rice Flour
Amma Mega, Roasted Rice Flour, Batticaloa, Brand Batticaloa
Roasted White Rice Flour (5kg)
Amma Mega, Roasted Rice Flour, Batticaloa, Brand Batticaloa
Roasted Red Rice Flour (5kg)

AmmA Mega Charitable

“AmmA Mega Charitable" is Charitable Organization

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Our Mission

It ‘s to provide better living conditions to access education for a brighter future of the under-privileged children and to their families , regardless of their religion or ethnical background.

The focus and the mission is to break the vicious circle of poverty by strengthening children through education, giving them a better perspective in life and encouraging them to represent one day a just, free, peaceful and prosperous society.

We have Helped

  • Pre Schools
  • Children Homes
  • Child Sponsorship
  • Special Needs Children